Bolasie must play up front next season

mardi 24 mai 2016

If he stays, Bolasie should play up front next season. I appreciate it's a bit "out there" for some. The FA Cup Final showed he simply doesn't have the energy or fitness to get up and down the field in the same way as Zaha can on the wing. As different as the stamina for a long distance runner and a sprinter is, Bolasie may be explosive but it is wasted if it shows up on the half way line.

The guy has improved massively his shooting. It used to hit the corner flag or the top tier, now it is usually on target, and it is fierce. His predatory instincts have improved. He is scoring goals with his head, his left foot and his right foot from inside the box. He is the only player in our squad who likes to go in behind and he is quicker than most in the Premier League with the strength to hold off centre backs with ease.

He's not a targetman or lone striker. He needs to play with a targetman like Wickham. But he should be given a chance to play off Wickham, or in a 2 with Wickham. I appreciate it's a new position for him, but I hope Pardew promises him the opportunity. Hopefully it'll enable us to keep hold of him this summer.

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