Why don't we have any religious threads anymore? Everything is so political these day

mardi 1 décembre 2015

s and they were quite good fun until someone mentioned Dawkins and the humanists pound the life out of everything. Have we lost our soul/s? On the BBS and generally, and also individually. When did you last experience wonder? Who on earth do you think you are anyway? Or are you one of those who is happy with a warm bath, whisky and some nice tits (or a good pair of balls I suppose if you are a lass, unless you are lesbian in which case delete balls and revert to tits and best of British to you). Anyway back on topic what I am saying is what? What indeed, and that's the point isn't it?

Though that Jesus stuff isn't for me so Jesus = off topic. Also no Corbyn or IS. Or Royal family. Or Russia (except religion of).

Oh I don't know. I just thought it might be interesting but now I'm not so confident this all hangs together. Sorry.

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