Seasons Greetings etc

mercredi 30 décembre 2015

I dont usually start threads here but one thing really has affected me over this holiday break where we make new years resolutions and wish peace and good will to all men etc, but a work colleague I who I used to work with when I started in the particular business I work in over 20 years and who I still see on a regular basis and who I would describe as a good decent man, he kind of took me under his wing and really helped me make my way all those years ago, he was a hard,firm but fair man, I found out a couple of days ago his youngest daughter was murdered on Christmas eve, she was 23, a teacher, I remember her when she was a toddler, I feel an immense feeling of emptiness, sadness and when things maybe aren't going well for one reason or another just think the trauma that this good family are going through at this particular time, what an evil way to end a young woman's life who like me all those years back was just starting to make her way in life, unbelievable.

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