The Santa conspiracy

jeudi 24 décembre 2015

It is one of our societies last redeeming features: the way all adults - without exception - indulge in the whole Santa exists game, and do it so convincingly from a kids perspective. (I do hope that all reading this have come to that realisation already...apologies to Gor Blimey and Mat ov for ruining your Christmas).

But it is a pretty amazing thing isn't it? There's been no meeting or letter spelling out the rules. It's not as if the Government have made it law or that you'll get an on the spot fine if you dare spill the beans to the nearest kid; and yet we all partake in this conspiracy. Can't think of anything else in life where there is an unsaid consensus among all adults. I'd dare say even a psychotic mass murderer wouldn't dream of spilling the beans to an unsuspecting child.

I know there is a train of thought among some that this white lie is the start of a lifetime of mistrust once the penny drops, but I actually think as white lies go, it's pretty great.

As an aside: a little Christmas eve story from the additional needs school I work at: every year the primary end of the school have Santa arrive after their Christmas lunch and hand each and every child a present. This year we were halfway through when one of the secondary boys crashed through the doors and started pointing and screaming at Santa: 'YOU'RE A FAKE! YOU'RE A FAKE!' and was unceremoniously bundled back out of the door by a couple of staff members. :D

Any other stories around this subject. Have any of you accidentally spilled the beans to your kids or little sibling?

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