Term time holidays

jeudi 22 octobre 2015

Figures release shows that the number of parents getting fined for taking their children on holiday during term time has tripled. Whether this is because the schools are imposing the fines more heavily now or just that parents are getting fed up of being ripped off isnt clear.
However isnt time we had some common sense here? I have 3 children and the cost of taking them away in the summer holidays compared with say taking them in the last week in June is amazing. The same holiday can be up to 3 times cheaper in June than it is say in the second week in July, and the holiday companies have cottoned on to people who try to just go in the last week of term, that is in the high price market too now.
I understand business, supply and demand etc however why cant something be done to bring the cost of the holidays down to stop people even contemplating taking their children out of school?

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