cabaye and his effect on our team.

mercredi 28 octobre 2015

Now, first of all, I will state that I have only been to the Speroni testimonial, and the Shrewsbury and Charlton cup games. I did, however, watch most of Watford on TV, and I have watched MOTD. I think the cup games and Watford give me at least a little bit of room to have an opinion. Reading various posts on here though also fuels my thoughts.

Has Cabaye upset our team? In the sense that Gayle was on spot-kick duty in the cup games, and scored a hat-trick against Charlton, yet was then taken off penalties in the Watford and subsequent games. It's made Cabaye look like he's done more, and Gayle done less since, and whilst Gayle was stupid to get sent-off against West Ham, he had done well up to then.

Puncheon was fantastic last season, and took all of the free-kicks. In the end, I think it's safe to say that he was the main man for much of last season. He used to take a lot of the set-pieces - namely the free kicks, from which he scored a fair few. This season, Cabaye has taken over. I wonder if, Cabaye coming in and taking over has knocked Puncheon back. Are Puncheon's lacklustre performances and what he produces being effected by the fact that Pards has basically said, Cabaye has come in to take us up the level, and is now the main man.


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