Morning, Palace fans!

mardi 27 octobre 2015

A couple of points from a level-headed Leicester fan to level-headed Palace fans (lets just ignore the dicks on both sides :) )

The Flags
Any Leicester fan who is seriously suggesting contacting the police, the club or anyone else is just taking this too seriously. Don't pay attention to them (I'm sure the police won't). That being said, there will obviously be a response. We won't be stealing your banners because a) you'll be expecting that and b)the only way we'd get them is through violence which neither HF05 or UFS is interested in. Let's leave that shite in the 80s where it belongs (although your group's tough guy poses on FB are adorable! :love:). Our response will be good-humoured but piss-takey just like yours was.

Stealing Chants
I don't sing along with WLY or EWG not because they're Palace's (they're not, everyone sings them), it's because they're shit. They belong in the Championship with 'Ey-I-ey-I-ey-I-O' We've had quite a few chants copied from us over the past few years but we don't care since that's the nature of the beast. We just come up with more (including a couple of absolute shockers that got an airing on Saturday).

"Shit Palace Tribute Act"
Oh come on! Get over yourselves! You didn't invent the concept of a fan group. Is no one else allowed to gather in a group, sing songs, organise tifos and wave flags? No one's copying you. This stuff has been going on for decades. Stop being so precious.

The Clappers
These were massively unpopular when they were brought in. But in fairness, they get the rest of the ground involved in making a noise. Those of us who sang anyway, just use them as projectiles or shred them up. You'll never see anyone using one of them and singing at the same time. I'm sure at Selhurst Park you have a fair few thousand who just sit on their hands not making any noise or even worse fans who buy tickets in your little corner and just stand there taking in the atmosphere. HF05 tourists, if you will.These clappers are for people like that to play with.

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