Save Norwood Library!

mardi 27 octobre 2015

I'm part of the Save Lambeth Libraries campaign, and some Palace supporters are going on the march in a block. The details are:

Saturday 7 November, 10.30am, meeting at Windrush Square outside Brixton library (two minutes walk from the tube), and marching to Tate South Lambeth Library.

So please come along if you can make it.

Basically Lambeth councillors voted on 12 October to close five of Lambeth's ten libaries. One library is to be closed entirely, three of them are being handed over to a pravate company to turn them in to gyms and are being given peppercorn rent to do so and Norwood library is to be given to a trust who won't have to use the building as a library.

No detailed financial information has been given, and the Friends of Libraries Groups, trade unions and local authors all oppose the plans. Two of the three local MPs have also come out against the plans.

Lambeth libraries are some of the most used libraries in London and this will be a devestating blow to local communities. The councillors are under increasing pressure to reverse this decision so please come along if you can.

Also the Save Lambeth Libraries campaign has asked if any of the following would be possible:

1) Could some Palace supporters do a stall outside the next home game against Man Utd. Me and my dad sit in the Holmsdale Road end and I'm going to try and do one. Please PM me if you'd like to help with petitions and the stall.

2) Is it possible to do a Save Norwood Library banner in the ground. If any of the Holmesdale Fanatics could contact me or anyone else that would be great. I can get a banner done if anyone is up for holding it up in the ground.

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