Our wingers - we are not using them enough

dimanche 18 octobre 2015

All the opposition managers give us so much credit and respect because of them, and rightly so - Bolasie and Zaha can win a game out of nothing, and when on form are the best pair of wingers in the league. By a long way. So why are we always so down on them? Build the team around them! If they are running out of puff for the final 10 minutes hook them, but if not they should be the last players taken off. I bet Billic couldn't believe his luck at half time. Not only were we down to 10 men but we had just taken off our best player in the previous game, and a player they feared so much that they had double and triple marked him for the entirety of the first half, starving him of ball and thus making it look like he had a bad game according to some. It's complete nonsense. As for Bolasie, his workrate leads a lot to be desired, but I do feel a bit sorry for him. Not only has he had to contend with issues off the field, but he has also been used as a makeshift centre forward whilst at the same time wearing a ridiculous No 10 shirt that must really confuse him. The management need to keep it simple with him. Play him on the left wing, and play him into form.

Sure, our wingers need to improve end product, although Zaha has helped win numerous penalties this season, has 2 goals and Bolasie scored the crucial first goal in our last win. But we need to give them confidence and back them more. Carrot as well as the stick. Neither Wilf or Bolasie should be subbed until at least 80 minutes have elapsed. Don't make problems that are not there. Our issues are up front, and in the pocket behind the striker. The wingers are not a problem. Play them.

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