Everyone in the UK are you really not watching the game now (3pm)?

samedi 24 octobre 2015

I'm still trying to come to grips that all the 3pm games (most of Crystal Palace's games) are not on TV in the UK.

Short version, are you watching on an unauthorized stream now, radio, or just following text updates? (Don't post the streaming links)

Longer version, is there a way to watch the games on demand afterward? even pay per view? It's not like Leicester is close to London so going to the game isn't an option for most people. I'm just wondering what they officially want you to do to watch the game.

Also, does the 3pm rule hurt the lesser clubs more? Palace I assume has less games on TV than Chelsea. Chelsea is obviously more popular to start with, but they are also more likely to stay that way. If I'm counting correctly this is the 10th game and 6 have been at 3pm on Saturday for Palace.

A whole separate question is if teams in lesser divisions make replays of their games available. A colleague of mine claims to be a fan of Brighton and I take solace in that he can't watch any of the games on TV here in the States, but then I can barely comprehend that most of you can't watch most of Palace's games either.

So what are you all doing? Stream, radio, or textual updates?

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