Doing the state's bidding

mercredi 21 octobre 2015

If you join the police force you expect to enforce the government of the day's law. Similarly if you join the Army you can reasonably expect that you may be are asked to fight on behalf of the state and border officials can hardly complain about having to query the visa status of immigrants arriving into the UK.

However, and maybe this is just me, there seems to be an increasing creep of getting regular institutions and citizens to police others on behalf of the state.

Schools have to decide and report on parents who take their own children out of school, seeting teachers and headmaster against parents.

Employers have to carry out checks on their employees. I can understand that employers need to get a NI number and pay the PAYE and NI for their staff but if the government is willing to take that tax why does the employer have to investigate further?

Now it seems landlords have to become immigration officials and ensure anyone they rent a room to has all the neccessary visa and paperwork. Why does a landlord have to be an immigration expert?

I see this occuring more and more. Should regular citizens really be forced to police other citizens? Reminds me of communist China and the old Soviet bloc

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