Can we win with 10 men?

lundi 19 octobre 2015

Seemed pretty obvious to me on Saturday that in this league with 10 men its virtually impossible to win with 10 men for over half the game.

I guess you might still fancy Man City to win against say Watford or Sunderland.

But I don't think we could have beaten West Brom or anyone to be honest.

We may have only beaten Charlton 3-0 ?:D

Anyway - Begs the question that at this level sending a player of for 2 fouls is incredibly harsh as you effectively handing the game to the opposition - That defeat may cost us a place in the table come the end of the season - Which will have a direct monetary value of say 2/3 million. Things need to change IMO.

Anyway -Back to the question - Can we win with 10 men is the question? Against anyone in the EPL?

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