Getting in the Ground

dimanche 24 mai 2015

Sorry to moan on such a lovely Palace day, but this is beyond a joke now.

The way it's been for a few seasons now, is that if you turn up to the ground with a bottle of water or coke or something, they make you take the lid off before letting you in. This is pretty crap anyway, as I buy my drink to drink, not throw at the opposition.

But today upon getting to the ground, I was told I couldn't take my drink in at all, even if I took the cap off. So it was stand at the side and neck it, or pour it out on the floor. This is pathetic, as not only is it over the top, but they sell bottled drinks in the ******* ground! So what, are we now only allowed to have food and drink if the ground sell it?

Added to this, you get patted down before every game (I'm surprised they still don't have the metal detectors) and have to show your season ticket 3 times to get to your bloody seat. Starting to get sick and tired of being treated like a criminal when trying to watch the team I pay good money to support, at their home ground.

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