emergency! jnr palace kit needed.

mercredi 27 mai 2015

ok, it's been a while since i've been on here, but this is an emergency!
My mate (a palace fan who doesn't use this forum) called me today panicing because his 3 year old son Leo
wants a football kit, trouble is, the club shop have none left,
"not a problem" you may think!," just wait for the new kits to come out",
the problem is that his missus said "just get him a Chelsea or Man U kit, he won't mind", and my mate is worried that she'll go and waste
her money on one of these rags, and ruining poor Leo's life at the same time, so.......
has anyone out there got a palace kit for a 3 year old, he ain't after a freeby,
just want his son in the correct colours.

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