Crystal Palace & Dundee Considering Formal Link

vendredi 29 mai 2015

Just saw this article and have commented on it via my Twitter account. Views? Both on the link (which I think would be a good idea) and the notion that testimonials should always be nothing less than a celebration where both sets of fans get on. I've never known anything less. After all, what's to kick off about?

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PS My comment seems to be awaiting moderation, so here it is

"Agree that it would be a great idea, but would hope that whoever Palace played in a testimonial, positive interaction and goodwill between both sets of fans would be to the fore. In fact it would be very sad if a game that’s purely meant to be a celebration of a player’s career was tarnished by anything less than impeccable behaviour and the type of loud and passionate support that was witnessed on Tuesday night."

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