Employment question

jeudi 21 mai 2015

Hoping someone can help here.

I started in a position just over 3 months ago in an office. I have done well there but the place is full of drama. Manager keeps crying and walking out amd every single person is bitching at some point. The job is 12-8 and I have to travel for about an hour each way including driving plus walking. To top things off we are very short staffed but my colleague who is the only other full time staff in my area has just been moved to 9-5 without anyone knowing. The issue is not the hours as that's what I signed up to but the fact that everything is so secretive.

However I have just been offered another position 5 minutes from where I live and 8-4 Monday to Friday which allows me to see my kids more.

I have read my contract which says whilst in my 3 month probation I only have to give a weeks notice but after that it's 4 weeks. The new place needs me to start asap. I personally had to push for my 3 month probation amd everyone said they are happy.

Question is, if I didn't sign anything to say I passed my probation can I get away with giving 1 weeks notice. Nothing in the contract says I need to sign anything but surely this is the case? Sorry to go on but it's been a funny 3 months. If I got offered this new job last week I would have definately been ok.

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