My Twisted World

samedi 24 mai 2014

Has anyone read this?

I feel bad for posting this as I'm posting about the alleged perpetrator of a very recent horrific crime that killed 10 people and I'm somehow I'm not thinking about the horrendous loss of life.

But having spent the best part of my Saturday evening reading 140 pages of a fairly well written but incredibly disturbing manifesto/memoir written by the latest nut-job to go on a mass shooting spree in the States I simply had to say something somewhere (so I picked the BBS instead of talking about it with anyone I actually know in real life).

It's just a bizarre insight into the inner-workings of a guy so out of touch with reality that I don't know how to feel. Obviously there's the horror that he committed such atrocities but reading his words and he was obviously so broken that I cannot help but feel a little sorry for him. He could only see how people had constantly wronged him at every stage of his life. For example on the video he says "You girls have never been attracted to me. I don’t know why you girls aren’t attracted to me, but I will punish you all for it."

Just crazy. And very sad. I hope the victims families are able to get some solace somewhere. The shooting is one thing but reading the manifesto and it's a crime that can become so voyeuristic it will be hard for them to ever move on.

The manifesto can be read here - To view the link you have to Register or Login

And the video if you haven't seen it...

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