SD Eibar taking donations to play in La Liga

lundi 26 mai 2014

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This weekend, a small town celebrated their football club's promotion to Spain's top flight. These celebrations were tempered with a sense of realism and the preparations that come with inevitable disappointment as their promotion may be all but guaranteed because of a simplistic, yet nonsensical financial provision in place.

Because of an economic principle, Real Decreto 1251/1999, in place to govern the finances of clubs in Spain's top two levels - formally classified as 'professional football' - SD Eibar could find themselves relegated back to the Segunda Division. What is most frustrating about this is that it would be at no fault of their own. Real Decreto stipulates that every club must have a capital equal to 25 percent of the expenses (average) of all teams in the Segunda Division, with the two sides with the biggest output and the two with the smallest not included. It's a simple means of ensuring the financial viability of Spain's professional sides, but it's also on a scale incomparable to the modest expenditures and means of SD Eibar. At the moment, the club's capital sits just above 422,000 euros. Based on the stipulations of Real Decreto, the club would have to raise that to 2,146,525 euros to meet the standards that other clubs have created with their financial practices. Other clubs, that unlike SD Eibar, are in serious debt, mirroring the country's economic downfall, collapsing industry and abysmal unemployment numbers. Simply put, the club need to raise 1,724,242 euros by the beginning of the next La Liga campaign. In August, club members will be able to buy shares at 50 euros a piece, and shortly thereafter, sales will open to the public. That's a lot of money for a town of 27,000 in a nation crippled by a poor economy.

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