'Palace Hall of Fame'

samedi 31 mai 2014

I don't know if this has been discussed on the Boards before. If so I apologise.

When we eventually have a new Main Stand, shouldn't it incorporate a 'Palace Hall of Fame' ?

If so, what should be the criteria for a player, or manager to gain entrance ?

There are obvious candidates....

Peter Simpson. (1929-35) Still our leading goal scorer, with an outstanding tally of 165 goals in just 195 games.

Johnny Byrne. (1956-62. & 1967-68) England internationally while he was with Palace. And we were in the lower leagues at the time. Imagine that happening today ?

Sold in 1962 for a British record transfer fee of £65,000.

Steve Coppell. Need I say more ???

Jim Cannon. (1972-88.) Record number of appearances. A massive 571.

On a personal note, I would have to nominate Don Rogers. One of my all time favourites.

Although his spell was relatively short at Palace, he was in my opinion one of the classiest and most skillfull players ever to don (excuse the pun..) a Palace shirt. His goals in the 5-0 thrashing of Manure will never fade from my memory.

As I said if this thread has been done before, I apologise.

So, who would you nominate for 'The Palace Hall of Fame'...and why ?

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