Relationships and Class

jeudi 14 septembre 2023

Don't worry this isn't a political thread.

My mum is working class, and my dad middle class. My school and friends working class. University was much more middle class. All in all it was great growing up as had very different experiences. Holidays ranged from Butlins and Pontins to the south of France.

But it got me thinking. In terms of people in London, if I think of people I know, mixed race relationships are actually much more common than mixed class relationships. Nearly everyone I know is going out with someone of the same class. Maybe that's because they are more likely to have common interests? Not sure.

I haven't googled so not sure if there are any statistics on this.

But do people still mainly end up with partners who are the same class as them?

My three main partners have all been working class, but I've dated a few middle class people as well. I feel I've done my bit to breaking down social divides :)

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