Is Fulham considered South London?

lundi 18 septembre 2023

While on a trip last week a guy (American) picked up on my accent and asked what team I supported. I told him Palace, and he told me he was an Arsenal fan. Fair enough, I get this all the time, and just glad he wasn't a Manchester United fan as most say they are.

Anyway, he asked me where Crystal Palace is, and I tell him South London, and we are the only Premier League team in South London.

He comes back with, "And Fulham". I was going to explain the whole South of the River being considered South London, of which Fulham and Chelsea are not. I though better of it, as he was coming across as a bit self-righteous about it, and not wanting to embarrass myself. I do know the Fulham and Chelsea Postal Codes contain SW (South West) so can see the confusion this might cause, but I'm going to stick to my guns and say the River is the divide between North and South London.

Just wanted to ask the Good Ship BBS for an opinion.

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