Standing at away games

mercredi 25 janvier 2023

I’m 64 now and been going since I was 11 years old
Seen the troubles and the stupid stuff at matches throughout the 70s and 80s.
We football fans are a strange breed and my gripe is why is it necessary to stand at away matches when you have a perfectly good seat?
It’s to me like giving someone a knife and fork to eat their dinner then they dive in with their hands.
I’ve had arguments over the last umpteen years with people in defence of elderly people who can’t stand for 90 minutes and been told to shut up.
My away days I still love with meeting home fans in the pubs before the game etc but once inside the ground it’s becoming a nightmare for some as the testosterone or whatever kicks in.
I see myself and my mates in the lads out for a good day out singing and shouting out and don’t deny them the right but FFS sit down it’s what the seat is there for.
This isn’t a dig at our fans who are by no means the worse culprits but wondered if anyone has any sympathy with this but I suspect I’ll get called a moaning old ****

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