
lundi 5 décembre 2022

Well they`re back.In the Spring we were being overrun with them.I have a bird feeding station but it`s high up and they were never spotted taking bird food.The bird food in the shed is stored in sealed metal tins.Turns out two of my neighbours were composting waste food :confused:even though we had kitchen and outside food caddys for the Council to collect.They stopped this practise and with me killing at least 19 it all stopped.I don`t like killing them and actually caught some in live traps which I let go in a local forest.I`ve had small furry pets all my life including two dumbo white rats that gave us hours of laughter with their antics.Now they`ve come back.They get in the shed even though I`ve nailed wood over every conceivable hole.I`ve tried live traps on the slightest of settings which they set off eating the bait without getting caught.Now I`m back to snap traps again :(.They really are very clever little sods.

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