Any solicitors able to offer advice?

jeudi 22 décembre 2022


I have a friend who lives in s property she used to own with an ex-boyfriend over 10 years ago. By all accounts he was a bit of a nasty bit of work, saying he was divorced when he wasn't, making up stories about having cancer.

Anyhow they split up 10 years ago having been together about 3 years and my friend has lived on her own there since. He put 200K down, she 100k. They agreed that she would continue to live there for the foreseeable future, rather than force her to sell the property and to pay him back the 200k when her parents died (they are still alive but old). He probably agreed to that as he felt bad about the way he treated her. This was just a verbal contract, nothing in writing.

In the 10 years she has solely paid the mortgage (which I think is between 200-300k still) including some of the overall amount of loan, paid all the upkeep and maintenance, new bathrooms, new roof etc.

She has now had a letter from his solicitors asking for the 200k to be repaid now, otherwise they will ask for thr property to be forcefully sold and his monies taken out of the proceeds (the house is probably worth about 700k now). She has messaged him informing him of the original agreement but he hasn't responded.

Where does she stand?

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