Tourist visa/student visa for the UK query

mercredi 20 juillet 2022

Don't know if anyone can help but I guessed it was worth a shot.

Chilean couple both have student visas to study PdD's at LSE. They have flights to arrive in the UK on August 18th but one student visa kicks in on Aug 19th and the other Aug 26th.

Could they arrive on tourist visas for the few days before the student visas become valid? I am assuming yes, but does anyone know what, if anything they have to do to be registered on the student visas? I remember many years ago I had a similar situation in the US and had to leave and re-enter the country to get my tourist visa entry closed and my working visa entry recorded. I'm guessing something similar could be done in this case. A day trip to Calais once the student visas are valid?

Anyone have any experience/knowledge of this?

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