What are you giving up to offset the massive energy and cost of living price rises?

mercredi 16 février 2022

Personally, I am dramatically reducing my alcohol intake, down from three bottles of wine a week to one. At Lidl prices this saves for the two of us, around £80 month.

I have also re-programmed our central heating timer to save a bit of oil for the burner (price of domestic heating oil has doubled in the last six months, - no gas in our village).

My wife has gone on to an Extant diet, and to help, I have gone back to a 5/2 option, and this has saved around £20 a month on food, and make us feel a bit healthier.

In retirement, and adding in an additional measure of voluntary covid isolation, petrol consumption has been reduced significantly as well.

This just about covers the current increases I think.

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