Stand your ground and fight?

dimanche 27 février 2022

No doubt everyone admires the heroism currently being displayed by the Ukrainian troops and especially the Ukrainian civilian population.

As someone who's father participated in the last war, it got me thinking about if we ever were in that situation, would we do the same and where would that stand be made?

Irrespective of politicians, what is our thoughts as to where we should get personally involved, be it as a nation and as independent individuals-where do we perceive it to be where our homes, livelihoods, children, our democracy is threatened?

Is it?
A. If Russia steps into a nato border country like Poland?
B. If he advances further somewhere like Germany, a major ally forcewise?
C. If Western Europe is lost ie May 1940 repeat
D. When invasion is threatened, our airspace invaded, or our shores attacked?

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