Help! All my friends are conspiracy theorists

mardi 3 novembre 2020

Dear BBS,

I need your help...

In light of recent events, more and more Corona conspiracies seem to be popping up all over the internet.

I am sure you have seen friends and family uploading their statuses on Facebook with claims such as, "tHe ViRuS iSnT rEaL bEcAuSe I dOn`T kNoW aNyoNe ThAtS DiED fRoM iT", or, "tHe GoveRnMeNt CrEaTeD tHe ViRuS tO cOnTrOl Us"... You know the ones I mean.

Anyway, it feels like more and more people are "waking up", as they like to call it and I am now in the minority.

Are they brainwashed? Am I the only sane person left?

How do I approach these people and tell them they are wrong without hurting their feelings?

In my hour of need, I turn to the wisdom of

Thank you.

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