1989-90 Full backs - question

lundi 23 novembre 2020

Ok, this one is a bit niche, but it's one of those cases where I seem to have a gap in my memory (I'll blame it on the fact that I missed a lot of games that season as I was a student in Leeds).

Our first choice full backs at the start of the season were (I think) John Pemberton (right) and Mark Dennis (left). But Dennis didn't last long before getting injured, and Richard Shaw emerged.

My memory is of Pembo at right back and Shaw at left back (as for the FA Cup semi and final) but watching you tube videos from that season, it seems they often played on the opposite sides. Is that right? And when did they switch - was it for the Cup semi (when in fact Salako played almost as a left wing back at times) or was it before then?

Either way, it makes me feel better about shoe-horning Shaw in at right back for our best ever 11 wedding reception table plan back in 2009...

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