Selling CDs on ebay

mardi 28 juillet 2020

Hello all, I've used ebay to buy a few things in the past, but I can't remember selling on ebay. I'm planning to sell some music CDs there. I have quite a few including some harder to find specialist type ones. My plan is to list a few CDs initially, and see how it works out. I had a few thoughts and questions before I start, and would appreciate any input …

'Buy It Now' or auction?
A lot of items for sale on ebay seem to have the 'Buy It Now' option, but no old-style auction option. I am quite keen to sell quickly, preferably within a few days, but I don't want to lose too much off my potential selling price.

What works best?

Image of the CD for the listing
I don't have a smartphone or camera, only the webcam on my Apple Mac. Can I use existing CD artwork on my listings if I can find it? If I can find the same CD listed for sale on ebay or amazon, can I easily access the artwork so that I don't have to start from scratch, photographing everything myself.

Any advice or suggestions on the above or anything else welcomed and appreciated :p

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