Bari Weiss NYT Resignation Letter

mercredi 15 juillet 2020

I found this to be a superlatively constructed resignation letter; accurately depicting the culture of advocacy that has replaced journalism at the NYT. Advocacy journalism, of course, should properly be blamed on Republicans, because it all started with the repeal of the 'Fairness Doctrine' under Reagan but has become a powerful tool to push ideological orthodoxy. The prime and most effective example of that has been the pushing of Identity-based politics and extreme forms of Leftism.

In the letter, the attempts at character assassination and intimidation against a journalist, specifically hired to supposedly lend at least some countervailing perspective to the extant monoculture at the NYT, a supposed organ of balanced, public information, is plain to see. It is another sad example of how destructive the focus on Identity over objectivity -as a means to define what 'justice' is -has become. In this case, a talented writer who could have remained an asset to the paper was deemed an intolerable presence among supposedly learned people and felt her life had become unbearable at the NYT as a consequence. I expect the paper will be pleased not to have had to fire her and face the financial consequences.

As before, this letter below is for people who want to think and consider. Those who seethe at someone daring to write something here that presents the slightest challenge to the efficacy of their ideology are free to club together and bond and bask in the mutual condemnation of a dissenter. Like with my last political thread, they can arrogantly assume that my daring to write something that vies with their own politics represents an actual 'hate crime' and, after that feat of mental gymnastics, declare I need banning. I salute the mods for recognizing a sane distinction.

I won't be replying to anything written here because there will be no reasoned argument ( let alone neutral discussion ) any more than there would be any polite tolerance for those who can't join with the methods and tactics of Identity Politics / Political Correctness, even when having sympathy with at least some of the goals and while remaining loosely within the same political spectrum.

Hope someone finds this letter linked below, and the perspective it gives from someone who actually has lived the experience of trying to be an objective observer in these tribal times, interesting. If nothing else, it's a triumph of prose, IMHO.

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