5 Subs Next Season ?

mardi 28 juillet 2020

I think this is still yet to be voted on - perhaps it will be done once the Championship playoff winners are known (?) - but how do people feel about this ?

Personally, I think it might be the final straw for me where the PL is concerned.

It just so completely loads the dice in the favour of the already bigger clubs that already have massive financial advantages over the rest of the league.

It will also just encourage the bigger clubs to hoard more up and coming talents on golden handcuff deals. I had hoped that with the proposed limits on the number of loans the bigger clubs could loan out would level the playing field, but this proposal just completely distorts it once again.

There was a 33 point gap between the top 4 last season and the Guardian reported yesterday that there was an average 45 point between the top 10 during the last 10 years, whereas it was an average 35 points the 10 years before. How more unequal do the PL want the league to become ?

Personally, if the rest of the league don't vote against this proposal then I just think my already dwindling interest will be completely gone with the PL.

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