
dimanche 20 janvier 2019

The rat race/work grind gets me pretty down so I'd personally retire tomorrow if I could but I'm not yet in a position to financially. I really envy those that have retired, I think it would be brilliant to never have to work again and every day do what you want leisure wise with no boss to answer to. There's so many countries to visit, books to read, films to watch, sports to play/watch, family and friends to meet up with, Internet to explore, walks to go on etc that I doubt I would ever get bored personally. But then I hear of other people that have given up work say they miss it and find retirement boring.

So i'm just interested to know the following:

1. If you are retired already, what age did you retire at?

2. If you're not retired, what age do you realistically think your be able to?

3. To those that have retired, is it all it's cracked up to be?


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