Spanish toddler stuck in well

mercredi 23 janvier 2019

I don't know if anyone else has seen this.

A toddler aged 2 fell down a borehole on Jan 13th near Malaga, Spain. There's been an epic scale operation to rescue the kid, involving drilling a parallel shaft and digging across, as the borehole was too small to excavate safely.

I'm surprised by the lack of media attention this is receiving. Stories like this appear to be arbitrarily picked up on by the media sometimes - I appreciate the Sala disappearance is a huge story - but also remember the operation in Thailand to rescue the youngsters from the cave being global front page news.

The rescue mission to save the boy, Julen, has been beset by problem after problem, and sadly the lad has still not been reached. The latest of this evening is that they hope to begin the final phase of drilling and mining tomorrow morning, which will take a minimum of 24 hours. So the best that can be hoped for is that they will get to him 12 days after he disappeared. It is unknown whether he is alive.

I haven't been able to get this out of my mind all week. Perhaps it's the eyewitness accounts of the boy crying as he fell. Or the search team finding the cup and sweet packet he was clutching halfway down the hole a couple of days later. Or maybe it's because I have a boy of similar age.

This tragedy is compounded as the parents also lost their elder son, who was 3, to a sudden heart attack whilst playing on a beach a few years ago. I can't begin to imagine what they must be going through. They must be utterly inconsolable.

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