Suggestion: Allan Saint-Maxamin

mercredi 1 août 2018

OK ok.

So hot on the heels of the apparent success of the Max Meyer suggestion i thought i would go for broke.

We are all concerned that Wilf may at some point feel he has done all he can at Palace and needs to move on. Irreplaceable some have said and whilst finding a replacement will be far from easy this is the man.

In addition if we were to sign him this summer he would offer considerable variation in the final 3rd, a player who likes to carry the ball, has strength and a willingness to get in behind. Like RLC his defensive duties are a weakness but i think West Ham were sniffing around early summer.

Down side is he is not out of contract and has another 2 years on his deal. Nice signed him for £9m last summer and would need a significant increase on this to want to let him go.

Unlike Meyer this has absolutely no chance of happening i don't think but looks a really exciting player.

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