Steve please rip out the seats and put in benches ...

mardi 21 août 2018

It's obvious we have problems in the lower holmesdale .... Fans standing up and some sitting down.
Quickly replacing individual seats with long benches with no seat numbers would instantly mean fans could turn up early to form a nucleus of a singing area.
This would inject new life into the stand with youngsters able to quickly join into the singing area and fans to a naturally move out a little as they get older, if they wanted.
First come first serve for the best seats behind the goal, it's a choice you can make every week.
A cheap fast fix that could be put in place within weeks!
I freely admit I have no clue if we allowed bench sitting or if the grounds safety certificate would be affected?
Just trying to get a feel if such a move would be supported buy the fan base on here?

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