Artist at WBA Channel 4

vendredi 17 août 2018

Bit of a rush or I would have looked up the exact title/details but I watched an interesting programme on All 4 (channel 4 catch-up to last night that was interesting. Kev on FYP mentioned it on his podcast (I think). It has the artist Tia S....... (long foreign name I can't remember that is also a judge of Sky's portrait artist of the year) who spent a season with WBA painting a number of pictures but at the same time trying to understand the people and who they really were and why there is such a passion about the game. So he focused on Pulis, 3 players and a Father and so fan. Worth a watch as each were interesting and it covers the sackings etc. What was also interesting was watching his complete lack of understanding of why anyone was so bothered to him crying when WBA scored a crucial goal that at the time he thought gave them a chance.

Search for artist and you should find it. Enjoy.

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