supporters display for Liverpool

samedi 28 juillet 2018

hi lads, gonna try and be positive under the circumstances , like most I think the most important thing is to keep going what the young lads have started , I aint saying we can replicate it but I have just retired from 25 years of service to a young palace supporters club palace guard and I do understand the core quality of what they have achieved so my proposition is this , I sit in row 20 of block b and enjoy the atmosphere , I need a group of supporters to assist me with a proposed display for the first game , many of you know me from the guards and some members of the HF used to play at the guards, if your interested in helping out for the display to show unity and togetherness regardless of the HF circumstances please PM me and I am gonna arrange a meet prior to the first game display, we are gonna do our very best to keep this alive UNTIL circumstances improve for the HF, I don't need to be shot down , I am a fan like you lot , I am not Pro or negative anything when it comes to support , if we can get enough in the group we can then discuss ways forward and maybe the HF can sort out their differences and take over again but IMO I don't want to stand around and do nothing, the very reason I done 25 years voluntary work for the club was to promote and increase support from the younger lads , this is a way forward not a replacement , keep the displays and try to maintain some of the atmosphere with a bit of togetherness , at the back of block b there's loads of lads that will support I would imagine, block b always has been the most vocal , I am not a club rep nor am I suggesting this on behalf of the club, I will set up a funding page for the display if enough are gonna help , again this is not a alternative to HF , its not a rival group , it is supporters that want to help maintain some of the good work that the HF have done from their existing seats , id like to hear some positive feedback on a display for the team first game if anyone's interested rather than moaning about current rights and wrongs, all we need is to start simple and grow it, I understand we may not be side by side in the block but if enough get going together we can generate enough noise as we always have , I am gutted the HF wont be there I really am , I have enjoyed it but we need to unite as a Stand , who's with me for the display?

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