Latest Relegation Statistics - 1 May 2018

mardi 1 mai 2018

This was sent by Simon Gleave this morning, but I've been out all day so I haven't had the chance to post it before now. Apologies if anyone has posted this elsewhere from the Twitter feed:

So, Palace don't even feature now. Simon comments:

"These are all the teams with at least 0.5% chance of being relegated. Brighton are not shown as their chance has declined to 0.14%.

Crystal Palace could still be relegated but the chance of it happening is about 12.5 in a million or 80,000/1 so the 750/1 offered by most bookmakers certainly doesn't offer good value.

West Brom's "100%" is actually 99.98% so there is about a 5000/1 chance that they survive."

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