Funding the NHS

dimanche 27 mai 2018

Interesting article here. Obviously you will all want to praise the neoliberal quislings Tony and Gordon for the excellent state in which they left the NHS in 2010

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But has anyone got any great ideas on how to pay for it now? Personally I think there was a lot to be said for the Death Tax the PM proposed at the last election. Many of us have made huge paper profits on housing that future generations won't get. Maybe 10% of our estates could be hypothecated for the NHS? Then if I die of a heart attack suddenly in Tesco (likely) I will have to pay the same as someone needing 10 years of dementia care.

And it'll be when I'm dead so of limited concern to me.

The generation before me are getting much better pensions than I will get. And I will likely get a much better pension than my kids will get.

I don't think we can't ask young struggling workers to pay yet more for care for the older and considerably more affluent.

Unless you can do better. Neg rep for anyone who blames bankers.

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