mardi 7 mars 2017

I was in the same year as these chaps at Collingwood School in Camberley, Surrey. They are as 'East Lundun' as Danny Dyer, or Dick van Dyke.
See the twins are trying to raise a bit of cash, but it's not going great
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I used to sit next to Craig Logan during our Geography O level retakes.
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He said they had a record deal for a band called "Cities of Egypt" in 1986
He failed his O level, but I passed mine. :D and look where we ended up ?

I saw him and the twins moving from a terraced house on an estate, and a few years later I had reached the heights of dustman, and was collecting rubbish from their gated mansion.
And when I say 'rubbish', there was always bags of unopened cards, cuddly toys and loads of bunches of flowers. Binmans paradise :D

The twins were always arrogant thwats, and I threatened to batter both of them on one occasion at school. They melted. Probably afraid I'd mess their hair up :D

Amazing that such talentless fckwits can achieve so much

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