Captains Courageous

jeudi 23 mars 2017

Musing on the impact of 2 of our recent signings, Sakho and Milvojevic, and considering the impact they have had on the rest of the team and not just as player upgrades but improving the performance of all the other players in the side.
I started to think of what other players, since the early 90's have had a similar impact with their leadership and other qualities, even if they weren't captains.

The obvious candidates are Thorn, Young and Martyn their arrival turned what was a disastrous start to the season into one of the most successful periods in our history.

The following list are my suggestions for such players:

Geoff. Thomas : The thread title says it all

Lombardo : Thorough pro. and world class player

Michael Hughes : Dynamo, must have been special in his prime

Rhiilahti : Similar to Hughes

Popovic : As coach and player

Clint Hill : Hard man, we were never bullied or intimidated
with him in the side

Glen Murray : Talisman, shame that injuries and A.P. shortened his career with us

Jerdinak : Another captain courageous

Delaney : His first 3 yeasr in the Premiership with us was a fairy story

There must be others and it would be interesting to hear from some of the older members about earlier eras.

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