Going to uni to read law aged 30 , opinions, thoughts and experiences please

vendredi 3 juin 2016

Morning all,

I am 30 with 4 children aged between 10 and 2 . I did well academically at school leaving with 12 A* - C grades and I left college with 3 A levels in Politics, Law and English literature all between an A and C grade. Life came along and my education fell by the way side however the law has always been a burning passion and love of mine in particular criminal law.

Have any of you here been to university a bit later in life, what were your experiences, were you supported in your learning by family and so on. I am aware that training contracts are very hard to come by now and there have been a lot of cut backs to legal aid and the way cases are funded. In all honesty given my family commitments I would be looking more at a job within the court system or such like and I am aware for most of these a degree isn't required. Would the ILEX route perhaps be better suited although I believe it to be incredibly expensive .

In essence a part of me wants to show myself and my husband and family that my brain didn't die the day I gave birth and I am capable of achieving this. I also feel it will be very positive for my children to witness their mother learning and studying for something.

All comments welcomed.

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