BM Summer Olympics 2016 - Rio Special

dimanche 26 juin 2016

On the off chance that the Olympics actually occur this Summer, you are welcome to participate in the BBS' very own Olympic Betting Masters competition.

Previous Winners

2008 Beijing - pauldrulez
2012 London - Stigma
2014 Sochi - srs9jps

The rules are as follows:
  • Bets only allowed on Olympic events.
  • If you are interested, declare your In-ness by the Opening Ceremonies.
  • Each entrant will have 35 bets.
  • Of your 35 bets you will have 20 Bronze bets which will be the normal 10pts - 10 Silver bets which will be 15pts and 5 Gold bets which will be worth 20pts per bet. Please indicate when placing a bet what value it is by putting a B, S or G next to it.
  • The Ostapchuk Rule: If one of your bets is affected by a competitor getting a positive drug test, it must happen before the penultimate day of competition. This is to make sure everyone has a chance to counterbet.

In previous iterations of the competition, we've had each bettor name an event that everybody has to bet on and last time in Sochi we had a random event picked every day that everybody had to bet on. Since the summer games are a little longer, that's probably not the best idea but I'm taking suggestions on how the required bets are decided.

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