EU and the cliff edge

mardi 28 juin 2016

I've been reading about the unrest and rise of the far right and eurosceptism in europe.

Since 2000 the percentage increase in far right vote is scary. Our UKIP achieved 12.6% of the vote last election. 10 EU countries have higher far right vote percentages than us. Some more than double. Some of these parties are also openly anti-jewish and anti-muslim!!!!!!

There are 4 others with high far right votes that have either decided not to join or are in the process of joining. There are also other parties with far right leanings in some of the above countries meaning the overall far right vote is even higher.

The list of countries with a higher far right eurosceptic vote higher than ours includes: France, Sweden, Norway (approved but not joining EU), Finland, Hungary, Belgium, Austria, Denmark, Switzerland (approved but not joining the EU), Poland.

The leaders of the EU really do need to take a good look at their policies, direction and decisions. This rise has taken place since the EU began their 'ever closer union' and 'freedom of movement' policies.

Hopefully, the UK vote will be the kick up the arse they need but as they live in a bubble I very much doubt it.

Some of the policies of these parties make the National front look like pussy cats!

France have an election in May 2017 with the current president polling 17%!!!! The right wing Eurosceptic party is the highest at 30%.

Unless the EU winds its neck in pronto it's last intervention will be to oversee the break up of the EU.

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