Wedding photo editing

lundi 23 mai 2016

I got married a couple of years ago and paid a significant amount for what I thought was a good photographer.

Upon going through his photos after the wedding we were left incredibly disappointed, but hopeful that they would be cropped/edited in such a way that they would become a valued memory and we would have a wedding album we could be proud to show the family. Across three events, he only took a small handful of photos and we actually struggled to pick the best for the final album.

Many months later we received the finished album and the photos were more or less as we had seen them in their raw state. Some look as though they have been given the treatment of a preset filter and just about pass for a decent picture. A couple of years on and the album has been removed from its box only 2 or 3 times and none of the images have made it to print.

Having just moved into a new house I thought it would be nice to surprise my wife with a large framed print, but before I do that I wondered if any of the Photoshop experts could tweak the image a little. It's one of the few half decent photos and I don't think there's an awful lot that needs doing but I think it could look a little better.

I'm more than happy to pay for the service, so please PM if you think you'd be able to help.

Thanks in advance.

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