Still a good day?

lundi 23 mai 2016

Seen a few people having a moan about experience at Wembley, just wondered what everyone else thinks.

All in all I actually quite like our days out at Wembley and enjoyed myself on Saturday despite the result (although it took me a good 12 hours or so to realise that I'd actually had a good day out). From having to ask a random woman to take my boy to the toilet as the queue for the mens was too long for him to wait (Thanks again, if you happen to be reading this), to the two guys sat either side of us, one of whom relayed a message from my son to me as I was walking up the steps "He wants some sweets!"...Top guys, and hope to see you around Selhurst one day.

For me, it's all about being with my family, having a meal together before hand and then singing our nuts off for the duration of the game, which is what we have done for the playoff final and the two FA Cup games (although sat in two separate groups on Saturday unfortunately)

Absolutely gutted to lose and seeing my 8 year old in floods of tears at the end of the game was really heart wrenching for me, but so many people, complete strangers, came over and tried to perk him up a bit with a pat on the head and some motivational words "We'll have them next time" etc. He now absolutely detests Utd and is begging me to take him to Old Trafford next season as he's convinced we're going to "smash them in revenge".

The moment I realized that I had actually had a good day out was the next morning when I woke up and heard my son downstairs, playing Xbox, seemingly over the defeat and singing "We're the pride of south London!", choked me up a bit if I'm honest.

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