Note for Parish

lundi 23 mai 2016

I strongly recommend you do NOT give Pardew his new contract until at least end of October 2016, otherwise I fear you will be paying out his contract in full by Spring next year. You and the board really need to review the following before committing to such a huge contract:

Fitness levels and training
Scouting networks and buys
Coaching (yes men), particularly up front
Timing of vanity projects
Fascination with nostalgia acquisitions amongst our set up

Out premiership performances over the 5 months have been alarming, and unless these are reviewed thoroughly we will continue to slide. I have been on for ages to mates that we have probably one of the most productive chairmen ever seen in the footy leagues. However, the last 6 months or so I think you taken your eye off the ball with various vanity projects and fascination with the FA Cup. This summer will be huge for us, we need some hard working,quality players that are comfortable on the ball to come in by mid July at the latest. Our squad needs revamping bigtime in order to improve and be able to take on both league and cup campaigns. Can a club the size of CPFC afford to pay huge wages for players like Adebayor and Cabaye when they continually under perform? It is simply make or break. Time to step up from all at CPFC...

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