Will a Leave EU vote be honoured or a 2nd referendum called ?

samedi 27 février 2016

Despite what the EU and Cameron have said , I am no longer sure given the Chancellors comments today that there won't be a new deal offered by the EU if a Leave vote wins , Followed by a second referendum .

The chancellor told the BBC: "The financial leaders of the world's biggest countries have given their unanimous verdict and they say that a British exit from the EU would be a shock to the world economy - and if it's a shock to the world economy imagine what it would do to Britain."

Lord Howard also upping the Anti on the second referendum question .
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Mr Cameron has dismissed talk of a second referendum as being “for the birds”, insisting he would respond to a Leave vote by immediately triggering Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, which sets out a two-year process for negotiating terms for withdrawal.

But Lord Howard suggested he could pause the process by up to a month for EU leaders to come back with a better deal for Britain. “I think it is quite likely that during that month they would say ‘let’s talk some more, let’s see if we can reach a different agreement and perhaps you could have a second referendum’. If, after a month or so they don’t, then Article 50 would have to be triggered and negotiations to leave would begin,” he told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.

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