CPFC Ticket Account - Help or Advice needed

mardi 23 février 2016

I really do hate online accounts.

My wife has a client reference number and therefore an account with CPFC.

At first we couldn't log on to the account because we had no password. We tried resetting the password but it did not recognise the wife's e-mail address.

Finally managed to log on using client reference, surname and post code.

Now the fun really starts. The reason the account didn't recognise my wife's e-mail address was because there wasn't one listed in her personal details. So we added her e-mail address.

Now because she hadn't been onto the account, there was no password. Because there was no password, we couldn't create a password.

So I thought okay, log out of the account and do the password reset thing.

Did this, got the message that an e-mail had been sent, guess what? No bloody e-mail. I guess this is because there was no password so therefore it couldn't be reset.

What do we do to get this account up and running? Any bright ideas?

Does someone have a direct line number that they can send me other than the 0800 ticket line. I don't want to sit for hours on the phone listening to a load of advertising when all I want is help with this password problem.

Thanks in advance for any useful help or advice.

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